The Hanged Man tarot card in a nutshell.

In this hanged man tarot card this card shows an man who is suspended upside-down and hanging by his foot from the living tree. This tree is rooted deep in the underworldand is known to support the heavens. The belief is that the hang man is actually there on his own free will. We believe this due to the peaceful expression on his face. His right foot is tied by the branches but his left foot is completely free. In the same way the man is securing the hands of his behind in a fashion which forms an inverted triangular. His red pants are a representation of the human body as well as passion. The blue pants that he wears in his shirt is a symbol of calm emotions, a color combination commonly found in saints. The intellect of his character is represented by the yellow color of his shoes, hair and halo. The hanged man understands that his position is a sacrifice that he needed to accept in order to move forward, whether as repentance for the past mistakes, or as an intentional step backwards to review his route. The time he is in will not go unnoticed, the reason he is here is as part of his progress. The upside-down state of his body can also symbolize the feeling of those who are on spiritually, because they view the world in a different way. Where there are others that do not understand the necessity of sacrifice, you view it differently. This is a natural choice for you as you walk the path alone. The Hanged Man card reflects an urge to stop any specific actions. In turn, it could signal a time of uncertainty. This means that specific actions or choices that require to be implemented correctly will likely be delayed regardless of the urgent need to act at this moment. In fact, it would be ideal to be able of stalling specific actions to allow the time to consider making critical decisions, this is ultimately the best option. In general, the Hanged Man is about sacrifice, new perspectives and being patiently waiting for the perfect time. For singles who are single, the upright Hanged Man tarot love meaning suggests that the process cannot be rushed. No matter how much you engage in your love life or send your date all the right things but it's not your decision if the other party isn't prepared. Instead of trying to force or pressure for a relationship to reach fruition, use this time to examine the way your perception changes when you're on your own. The same is true for relationships as well. It is possible that timing can be a challenge when it comes to having important discussions, or moving relationships to highest level.
