Exploring the Unpleasant Side Effects of Ketosis: Body Odor

Ketosis is a state of heightened metabolic rate of calories in the body. This happens because the body makes use of fat instead of glucose to create energy. This causes rapid weight loss. Additionally, toxins are eliminated through urine or the feces. During this time you might experience an unusual body odor.

Ketosis is a natural response to rapid weight loss. It produces ketones which are chemicals that the body uses for fat breakdown. They are also secreted by sweat. Acetone is the most important ketone. Body odors can be caused due to a wide range of these compounds.

One way to combat the issue is to make use of lemons. Cut off the slices and wrap them around your armpits. This will help eliminate the odour. You could also try half a lemon or a slice of an orange If you don't have one. It can last for three to five days.

Another way to fight body odor from ketosis is to drink plenty of water. This will help rid your body of contaminants and keep bacteria out of your mouth. To help in this process, you can also bathe with hot water.

Incorporating high fiber vegetables to your diet is also an excellent idea. These vegetables can help change the pH of your body. They contain a compound called sulfur, which can be found in cruciferous veggies. This will also improve your breath.

If your body odor persists and you are unable to eliminate it, you must consult your doctor. This could be a sign you are suffering from an undiagnosed issue.

sweat smells like ammonia
